What I Do

Places are complex, dynamic, inviting sets of relations, realities, and worlds...
My work in Geography + Environmental engineering + clinical manual therapies, come together in the creation of
Places and "blue green Infrastructures."
For connection.
For discovery.
For keeping well.

The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 2008 Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering

Even euphoria is transient

Euphoria. Everywhere. Anywhere.

Why the word "home-less"? Home is always "here and now".

BLIPPAR app platform for Distributed Augmented Reality Gallery. Initially designed for Aula Luz (non profit org for arts+ecology+health)

Human Power Station

Inspired by "Reflectance basking" of the humble cabbage butterfly. This versatile installation is applicable at any surface that needs light and sparkle!

“To the people who one day might grieve because these boulders came down on them, remember that thoughts, well wishes, and prayers came with these… May you find the strength and courage to perceive past the agony. These gifts came from the most beautiful volcano in the world. May you find tenderness, solace, and peace in that thought.”

A conceptual series of painted boulders on an ephemeral (and quarried) Salvacion River in Daraga, Albay. Boulders on river beds are bound to be transported with floods. white and gold painted heart prints, these "threats of destruction" were "tendered" and transformed into "offerings" of well wishes for the lucky or unlucky future recipients of floods downstream. The loops and connected dots on the piles of rocks, are symbols of collective transcendence in times of crises.

For the Drop In Center's booth Heart for Art Walk 2017 by The Canadian Artists for the Poor Why Unicorns? See blog:

Upcycled coffee table for The Drop In Center Art Booth, Heart for Art Walk 2017

A modern interpretation of a traditional raft for intertidal regions/ estuaries of Manila, Philippines. (Grant received from the Philippine National Commission for the Culture and the Arts)

LUTW Dinner in the Dark Gala Activity Table Centerpieces with AgIC Circuit Paper and Conducting Ink Pen Calgary, AB

An inspiring phenomena of flight, motherhood, and challenging borders and boundaries...

There is light even from storm clouds...

Prototype LUTW Dinner in the Dark Gala Activity Table Centerpieces with AgIC Circuit Paper and Conducting Ink Pen, Calgary, AB

Unicorn Hats for Halloween 2016, The Drop In Shelter and Rehab Centre, Calgary, AB

Hawaii, US

Hawaii, US

Bacacay, Philippines

Hawaii, US

Art to communicate disaster risk + transcendence, Salvacion River, Daraga Albay, Philippines

A conceptual art piece on an andesitic boulder (at least 1m3 vol) believed to have been deposited in Barangay Salvacion, Daraga, Albay (Philippines) during the 1814 eruption and lahar flow regime of the Mayon volcano. The white and gold lace pattern enamors the rock to symbolize living in grace amidst a landscape of beauty, deluge, and disaster.

Hawaii, US