"You're entirely bonkers. But I will tell you a secret.
All the best people are!" --- Alice
The Wobbit Hole is a playful word and a playful world.
It reminds us of the child in each of us, and of our capacities to imagine and re-imagine a kinder, and more generous world.
While the ‘rabbit hole’ is sometimes associated with ‘delusion’ and ‘escape’, I find “rabbit holes” to be symbolic of opportune and expansive spaces where we can question, reflect on, and resolve conflicts that are rooted in ideas of scarcities, zero-sum games, binaries, separateness, mutual exclusivity etc…
The Wobbit Hole is a venture towards the direction of optimality, of finding common grounds, connections, and win-win scenarios; of transcending humanities, and of expanding with the rest of the Universe/s …
The Wobbit Hole is a collection of "landscapes", "waterscapes" and enterprises
founded and envisioned by
Trina Go Listanco.
As a Geographer who has specialized in Water Resources Engineering,
she actively integrates critical theories and pragmatism
in her practice and promotion
of arts, wellness, and 'sustainable' design.